Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Job Offer

Did you know you have been employed by the Most High?

What did you want to be when you grew up, a fireman, a Doctor? While most little girls were playing house and planning tea parties I was dreaming of having this really great job, doing something really important. I fantasized that I was living in New York City carrying a very smart and sophisticated brief case, driving a really bad 2 seater sports car. I didn’t know what that job was exactly I just knew it had to be important because I had a briefcase.

I think it’s safe to say my dream has not come into fruition. Now it’s not to say that I didn’t get close- I have carried a briefcase. And what about that job? Well nothing Until Now had touched what I knew in my heart as “The Opportunity of a Lifetime.”

Jesus gave us as “Believers” that opportunity by giving us a job that beats all jobs.

I’ve heard it preached many times as “The Great Commission” but had never related it to me. I mean he WAS addressing the apostles and I was pretty sure I wasn’t one of them. However God made this job very real to me recently when I was contemplating a position with a local construction company. It had position and an impressive salary package and it did line up with my passion for start-up projects. I had to admit it sounded like the job of my dreams with a very real possibility of travel to Africa- I believe I will go there one day – so – this looked pretty good….Until I looked at what God had been doing in my life- Until I saw Crystal’s face. Crystal is a young woman who recently moved into my home.

The burden The Lord has put on my heart for hurting and broken women was now causing a conflict with my flesh.

God showed me that I had 2 job offers and made it clear that his had been first. You would think that should have settled it right then and there. But it didn’t. I trusted the provision the job with the construction company would have provided over the provision from the Lord. I realized I lacked Faith and Trust in the very God who had healed me, sustained me and provided for me. He had been faithful to his promise – yet I still doubted him.

I was drawn to Mark 16: 14-20. Verse 14 reads, “Afterwards he appeared to the 11 apostles as they reclined at the table; and he reproved and reproached them for their unbelief- their doubts and lack of faith. OUCH- God really knows how to drive his point home. I thought I’d better continue to read.

Lets pick up on Verse 15:
15 And he said to them, go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved from the penalty of eternal death; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new languages, they will pick up serpents and if they drink anything deadly it will not hurt them, they will lay their hands on the sick and the sick will recover. So then the Lord Jesus after he had spoken to them was taken up into heaven and he sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept working with the word and confirming the word by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied them.

God certainly knows how my brain works. He gave me a mirrored image of a job in the physical world to help my job in his kingdom become revelation in my heart and in my mind.

Which brings me to:
Point I: We have to know our job description

Verse 15- Go into ALL the world and preach and publish openly the good news to every creature. Do you know what publish means? It means to Herald as a public crier.
A crier is a person selected for their loud, voice. They were appointed to give notice of the orders of the ("governor") Criers often dressed very elaborately, in a red and gold robe, white breeches, black boots and a tricorne hat.
They carried a handbell to attract people's attention, as they shout the words "hear ye," which is a call for silence and attention.

God doesn’t want us to be shy about this. He wants us to stand out, be bold and obvious in communicating his message. Not just by our words but by our appearance as well.

But that isn’t all, did you catch the more specific task description in verse 17? Jesus says, “In my Name believers will drive out demons, speak in new languages, pick up serpents and if YOU drink anything deadly it will not hurt YOU, YOU will lay hands on the sick and the sick WILL recover. Church, He is telling you and me that as a believer in his name we are qualified to these things. That is our job description.

So #1 Know your Job.

Point II: We have to Believe in our Bosses vision & His Passion:

First we have to read and study the company manual (The Bible) to even begin to know what Gods vision and passion is. We have to spend time in a daily one on one conference with him to get his vision deep into our hearts.

Ephesians 1:18 shows us that God considers people his inheritance & his wealth. He places nothing else above people.

The book of Luke clearly shows us that God’s passion is for people that are Lost- Luke pays particular attention to women, children, the poor and the oppressed.

James 1:27 says that when we help orphans and widows in their afflictions IT IS pure and unblemished worship to God. You want to purely worship God? Help the orphans and the widows. I used to think of orphans as kids that grew up in Foster homes but they aren’t the only ones. Most of the men and women that have been in and out of jail, that are on the streets selling themselves for money, that struggle with addictions, cutting and starving themselves had a father and mother that either abandoned them or most assuredly abused them. Not having the nurturing of the love of a father and a mother as Gods perfect plan for us, leaves us as orphans, lost, alone and angry. You don’t have to look very far to find an orphan.

God’s passionate heart for hurting people is poured out through the pages of his Holy Word. From Genesis to Revelations there is no question what we were purchased to do. God not only wants to save us from eternal death, he also has a passion and a vision for restoration. Restoration in the antique world means to be brought back to its original form. Wikipedia’s definition is: To Restore an article that has been deleted. Deleted, as if it never were. You see, to these Lost individuals, who God created them to be doesn’t exist. They have no hope in what that looks like.

In Hosea God beautifully and passionately shows his hearts vision to restore his people:

“I will heal their faithlessness, I will love them freely. I will be like the dew and the night mist to Israel, and Israel shall grow and blossom like the lily and cast forth the roots like the sturdy evergreen of Lebanon, his suckers and shoots shall spread and his beauty shall be like the olive tree and his fragrance like the cedars and aromatic shrubs of Lebanon. They that dwell under his shade shall return, they shall revive like the grain and blossom like the vine, the scent of it shall be like the wine of Lebanon.

Our God’s passion IS perfect restoration- He says we shall be restored. His desire is to restore each and every one of us to HIS original blueprint before sin and pain marred us.

We are called to take what has been given to us, “Salvation, The Holy Spirit, and The Word, to bring Gods vision to pass by restoring broken lives.

So #2 We must believe in Gods Vision and catch his passion

Point III: The Boss has given us his Authority and his power

In Luke’s version of the Great Commission in chapter 24:49 Jesus tells his Apostles to remain in the city until they are clothed with power on high.

Jesus knew we would be unprotected if we stepped out too soon. We need to be clothed with The Holy Spirit and with that we have been given his power to effectively execute our assignment.

Mark 16:20 Says “They went out and preached everywhere while the Lord kept working with “the word” and confirming the word by the signs and miracles that accompanied them.
Jesus was confirming the word after he ascended to heaven and he IS still confirming the word today for us his body. Jesus confirms the word – not people, so learn and speak the word.

So #3 Get Revelation that we have his authority and his power!

In Closing I would like to share with you Crystal’s story:

My name is Crystal. At the age of 4 my abuse began. I was molested by my mother’s boyfriend when I was 4 and by my father when I was 8. My father and my mother both were addicts.
I never knew God except for the fact I felt if there was one WHY did he allow me to be in the life I was in.

I began using alcohol, cocaine and heroin at the age of 12 moving on to IV usage before I was 13. Anything to fill the complete emptiness I felt inside. Men were also an out, I was very promiscuous from 18-21 using my body to earn money for drugs. I got pregnant when I was 18 and lost the baby because my boyfriend beat me up and left me for dead. I have been told I cannot have children because of that.

My life was hopeless, full of anger and self hatred. I always prayed but only to die.

I met God for the first true time Nov 2008 at the “Judgment Day” play put on by a church close to here. The family who took my boyfriend in took us to the play. I got saved there and I knew God loved me. They showed me where it said so. I felt full. I felt like I was glowing like the sun. I started going to church regularly. I felt something I had never felt before, unconditional love, HOPE, and peace.

My BF began to drink again. He would get really mad because I was seeking quiet time with God. In one of his rages he caused me to go through a window. He continued to get worse, using drugs and drinking more and more.
I spoke to his “Adoptive Father” who spoke to a friend of his that goes to this church who called Ann.

I am now in a real home. Something I have never had-I see God working in and all around my life. I see his love for me. I am his daughter. I have a father who loves me so much he gave his only son to die so I can be forgiven of all my sins.

I see my path, and purpose and I know if it weren’t for God I wouldn’t have any of this. I thank him every day.

Crystal’s beginning is heart wrenching, but it’s not unique. Her life is the replica of many women today. Most people don’t want to get involved because of the problems that they bring with them. We can’t help those that don’t want to change but for every ONE person that doesn’t there are 5 who do, they just don’t know how. They don’t know that Jesus is their HOPE. If someone hadn’t invested in Crystal’s boyfriend, Crystal wouldn’t be here today.

Remember Jesus said In Mark if we drink poison we won’t be harmed. Armed with the Holy Spirit keeps us clothed in his protection.

Jesus sacrificed himself so we could live; we sacrifice ourselves to teach others how to live through Jesus!

Thank you.

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