Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Dream In All Of Us

There is a hope and there is a dream in every one of us. You can’t deny that fact. I don’t care how many bad things you have done, you have a dream inside of you. When you were a child you didn’t dream of drinking yourself stupid or shooting drugs up your arm, spending your nights in jail, molesting a child or killing someone, but that may be your life right now. You may have started out in a bad situation and therefore dreaming of anything more than a peaceful night’s sleep without being molested by a grown-up maybe even your dad, or being run down or knocked around was about as wild as your dreams got. But I promise you fear to dream doesn’t mean that there are not dreams inside of you. God put dreams, desires and hopes in all of us. It is Gods intimate desire to see those dreams come alive inside of you. God has a plan to cultivate those dreams and watch them become reality in your life. How does he plan on doing this? It really will become the simplest thing you have done yet. Surrender your life to him. It may sound hard, and I have to admit the first step is hard but even as hard as it may be; it isn’t harder than enduring the life you may be living right now. All the pain you cause yourself, all the pain you cause others and all the pain that has been inflicted by others onto you, can be forgiven and can be healed. Complete restoration, mind, body, and spirit that IS why Jesus went to the cross. That is why Jesus suffered the torture that led to his death, so you could not only live an eternal life in heaven but so you can live a free life on earth. A life Free from addictions, free from resentment, bitterness, pain, hatred, sick obsessions and negative thought patterns. Is that hard for you to believe?

It seemed impossible for me to even imagine forgiving my step-father for molesting me, for knocking me around and calling me every degrading name in the book. For completely stealing my childhood and unfortunately since I couldn’t let go of my past, stealing the next 30 years of my life. I blamed him for every bad choice I made, for every moment of depression and for every failed relationship.

When I finally let go and asked Jesus into my heart and surrendered my life to God, I asked him to take control and lead me into the plans that he had for me. He forgave me of my sins and began to heal my pain. As I learned and began to study his word and spend time in prayer, he opened up my heart to receive his love, and began to show me how beautiful and lovely I am to him. He poured the very love that Jesus took with him to the cross into me. Which was a four-fold benefit, One to show me how valued I am as a person and as a child of God and Two; to allow me to forgive those that hurt me, including my stepfather, Three; to seek out those I had hurt so I could ask for their forgiveness and Four to pour the love he poured into me out to others that are still hurting. Show them Jesus he told me. Is that hard? Sometimes, in my own capacity to love and in my own strength, but I constantly ask God for his love and his strength and he is faithful to give it to me. He is Real, He is mighty and he is ready, willing and able to comfort you, strengthen you, equip you, and enable you, to achieve your dreams, all for his glory.

He is fulfilling dreams inside of me that had always been there but seemed impossible for me to achieve and I am witnessing him raise up dreams in other’s that have spent their entire life addicted to drugs but are now free because they made a decision to do what I did. Surrender their life over to the one who died so they could live.

Do something different. Ask Jesus to come into your heart, ask him to forgive you, and then thank him because it is done! Then go look for a church. If you struggle with addictions or past hurts of any kind go to and look for a celebrate recovery group in your area.

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